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A complete fleet in one machine

The next step in the evolution of underground mechanical rock excavation is here .The Mobile Miner family consists of powerful mechanical rock excavation machines that are fully customizable to your specific needs. They utilize a well-known technique, packaged in a compact and flexible machine.  The continuous mining technology used by Mobile Miner makes your project more productive, more predictable and easier to schedule compared to the drill and blast method. . It also creates a safer and cleaner work environment due to no explosions, less need for ventilation and a much lower risk for falling rocks - a safer work environment for everyone.

Easy planning

Your project gets easier to plan and schedule with the continuous mining and tunneling method compared to the drill and blast technique.

Cleaner and safer work environment

No explosions means a safer work environment, less need for ventilation and less dilution.

High level of automation

All machines in the mechanical rock excavation family are fully customizable with a high level of automation.